My little pony fighting is magic soundtrack
My little pony fighting is magic soundtrack


  • Running Gag: When talking about what types of controllers can be used for the game during the second live-stream, using a DDR pad to play is jokingly brought up.
  • Perfect Play AI: The current version of CPU-controlled Twilight, according to the devs.
  • Magic is used to enhance certain attacks.
  • Mana Meter: Each character has a magic meter that fills up when certain conditions are met.
  • Macross Mineral Massacre: Rarity's only super (so far) is firing a hyper-rapid volley of gems upwards from the ground at her opponent.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Applejack is shaping up to be this.
  • Pinkie Pie's theme includes a piece of "Giggle at the Ghostly".
  • Rarity's stage theme has a tiny bit of the song "Art of the Dress".
  • The theme of Twilight's library contain bits of "At the Gala," as well as a short section from the show's main theme.
  • Applejack's battle theme, or rather the theme of Sweet Apple Acres, has hints of "Winter Wrap-Up" in it.
  • Leitmotif: Each of the characters who have stage music thus far have music inspired by songs from the show.
  • Though she's obviously far from complete and has only one move, that move is the Stare.
  • Lethal Joke Character: On a stream posted February 21, Fluttershy was shown briefly.
  • Princess Celestia and Princess Luna too if they are part of the final 17-character cast. The gems Rarity summons also serve as this for her.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Twilight Sparkle has this attack.
  • Fighting Clown: Pinkie Pie's attacks seen so far include waving a giant foam finger, inflating her body, licking her opponent and raining cupcakes on her opponent for her super attack.
  • Edible Ammunition: Pinkie Pie's level 1 super has her jump up and fling a barrage of cupcakes, followed by a pie, at her opponent.
  • Dynamic Entry: Bionic Farm, Applejack's level 1 (and currently only) super, is this.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Well, it IS a fighting game featuring the cast of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
  • Fluttershy is not so heartless as to allow her animal friends to put themselves at risk for her, at least without her facing even greater risk.
  • A member of the Mane Six stated on the official Ponychan thread that this was not the case.
  • The Beast Master: If the teaser pic for Fluttershy is to be believed, her fighting moves may entirely rely on her animal friends while she herself will never actually fight.
  • Badass Normal: AJ compared to the rest of the initial roster (even Pinkie, considering that they put Pinkie's Fanon Medium Awareness in as teleport moves).
  • That said, it's now one of the things she says in-game when using her headbutt super.
  • Ascended Meme: Bionic Farm became a minor meme since Applejack's VA for this game said it for teh lulz at the end of her audition piece.
  • To clarify, while they are quite Badass in the show, they're moreso here.
  • Adaptational Badass: All of the mane 6 in this compared to the show.
  • Parasol of Prettiness and Pain: Her parasol/umbrella.
  • my little pony fighting is magic soundtrack

    Action Fashionista: Rarity, who even uses her accessories as weapons.My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic contains examples of: Another major MLP fan game.Īnything that has not been officially confirmed goes on the Wild Mass Guessing page. There is a forum discussion about it here. The final version of the game will feature 17 characters.


    It features characters from the first season of the TV series My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.Ī version of the game featuring the Mane 6 will be released in the near future, and other characters will then be added through updates. We’ll be keeping a keen eye on this one, and you can keep up with the project on the official dev-blog here.My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic is a fanmade Fighting Game currently being developed by Mane6. The development team seem to be fairly talented on all fronts, too, from art to design to music. Much as I feel like I’ll be cursed by terrible cosmic forces for saying this, but MLP: Fighting is Magic looks pretty damn good, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Anything that would bring the wrath of Hasbro down on them is to be avoided. The development crew (known as Mane6) strongly repeat that this is an entirely non-profit fan-work, and don’t even want to receive donations. If you want to see more, there’s a whole two hours of unedited gameplay footage on their youtube channel, but I assume most of you are satisfied enough just to wait until a public beta or final release version goes live.

    my little pony fighting is magic soundtrack

    Here’s the latest gameplay video they put out: Freeware fan-game My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic has been in the works for over a year now, and while progress seems slow, they’ve got a fair bit to show for their efforts.

    my little pony fighting is magic soundtrack


    In fact, in the able hands of professional players, it even revealed itself to have some shocking depth to its combo system. Well, here’s a sentence that I never thought I’d write as long as I lived: There was a My Little Pony fan-game showcased at fighting game mega-event Evo 2012, and it was well received.

    My little pony fighting is magic soundtrack